Some recent paintings. On being confined to my bar-stool.

Hopefully a new vista from Holmpatrick Cove lands, to be open to the public. 

By the way, Rockabill Lighthouse is up to its old tricks, in sliding along the horizon, keeping pace with the walker. Click on images to enlarge.

Having passed for three quarters of a century as a bi-pedal, warm-blooded vertebrate, upright citizen, it comes as a shock to find that some of my essential components are in need of corrective surgery to restore this situation. While I am in no mood, or posture, for writing, surprisingly my bar-stool is ideal for painting. Oil painting has proved a welcome distraction and a morale booster, after a winter of discontent. (With acknowledgements to Richard III. Richard the One Hundred and Eleventh?)

North Beach, Rush and a steam traction engine at Skerries Mills.


Low tide at Skerries Harbour.

Midsummer Twilight at North Strand.

A Field of Oilseed-rape on the way to Lusk.

This vista will change very soon, with the addition of more houses. I was lucky to catch it in time.

I sympathise with poor Richard, in not being shaped for sportive tricks, or made to court an amorous looking-glass, or caper nimbly in my lady’s chamber, but at least I can sit upright with the aid of my bar-stool and hold a brush in my hand. I can look out of my window. As for a horse! A horse! Forget about it. I hope that normal service will be resumed fairly soon.